Police and Fire Explorers

Part of our charity spot donations are used to support the Police and Fire Explorer programs of Cobb County.

Police Explorers

The Police Explorers are an active, contributing force in our community. The young men and women who participate get hands-on experience, building skills in areas of law enforcement such as:

  • criminal law
  • traffic law
  • criminal investigation
  • crime prevention
  • traffic control and direction
  • accident investigation
  • juvenile delinquency
Fire Explorers

Fire Explorers are also trained in skills that are specific to their field, such as getting familiar with:

  • local emergency communications
  • the chemistry of hazardous fires
  • the personal protective gear used by firefighters in the field
  • disaster relief procedures
  • search-and-rescue operations
This hands-on work and training allows both Fire Explorers and Police Explorers to decide whether law enforcement or firefighting is the right career path for them or not.

Whether they continue in law enforcement and public safety or not, they gain leadership skills while building confidence in their own judgments. They also have access to guidance from the best men and women in our community, and acquire a network of friends and mentors that will serve them well for years to come.

Some of the many benefits of these two programs include:

  • re-evaluating ethical and moral values
  • greater commitment to public service
  • enhanced communication skills
  • respect from the community
  • positive alternatives for involvement with drug- or gang-related activity

The exploring programs of Cobb County provide an arena for teenagers to find the “right” crowd and become responsible young adults, which is an invaluable community service. That’s why we choose to support these programs with the donations we receive from our races.

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