Silver Comet Races 2024 Half & Full MarathonRequired Race Day Waiver (please bring this completed waiver to packet pickup!


______ I understand that I assume any and all risks by walking &/or running the certified Half or Full Marathon course on October 26, 2024.

______ I have full knowledge and understanding that the trail is not closed, that cyclists and other trail users and their dogs/children will be on the trail.  I take full responsibility for being aware of all other trail patrons.  I will announce “passing on your left”, and I will look behind and ahead before crossing over the trail middle line for water stops or for the turn-around. I will not wear headphones so I can hear other trail users, cyclists, and or officials announcements.

______ I understand and assume full and complete responsibility for following all pedestrian traffic laws and to follow all pedestrian traffic laws at all traffic crossings while on the Silver Comet Trail.

______ I understand that the Silver Comet Trail is open for normal use and I am responsible for being able to hear passing cyclists and other users of the trail.

If I take any steps to make a claim for damages against Silver Comet Races, its agents, volunteers, or any other released parties, I shall be obligated to pay all attorney’s fees and costs incurred as a result of such claim.


Print Name ______________________________


Signature _______________________________ Date___________________________________


Click to Download.

©2025 Silver Comet Races. All rights reserved. Compliance | Hosted by: Get Fit America.

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