To the 9th Annual Silver Comet Half Marathon October 31, 2009 registrants!!
These are your race instructions – PLEASE READ so we have a Great Race Day! Apologies for the delay getting info out – I ran Marine Corps Marathon Sunday and got myself behind!Rain or Shine – We are racing Saturday Morning!!
The Silver Comet Half Marathon is sold out with over 2000 registered participants. All but 2 of the 25 charity spots are sold – Raising an additional $2500 for our charity schools! Near $10,000 will be donated to our local community charities and schools this year. The three mountain bikes we purchased in 2008 for the Cobb County Fire Dept EMS bike team will be out on the trail with you Saturday.WE ARE HAVING A HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!!!! Please wear your halloween costumes – I have top 3 awards for the best “team” costumes and the top 3 individual costumes!
PLEASE NOTE: Race registration is limited for you – the registered participant. We do not want it to be over crowded, unsafe, nor do we want to run out of water, race supplies or have additional lines for Pit Stop Units etc. Refunds, race number transfers and unlimited participation in the race is not possible. If you let someone else run with your number and we catch it – You will be banned from future Silver Comet Races.
I want each of YOU to have a great experience and find that the Silver Comet Races are near the best in the city. If you know or see ‘bandits,’ know that they are cheating everyone who registered early and properly. Each of YOU make this such a great, productive and charitable event – I thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding!!
REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 1, 2009 for 12th Silver Comet 10k – March 13, 2010 and 10th Silver Comet Half Marathon on Halloween October 30, 2010!!!!
Race Rules:
No Baby Strollers / Joggers will be allowed due to the crowd. No dogs. No Skates.
No HEADPHONES. (You need to hear participant and official announcements along the course – passing, bikes ahead, EMS etc. – don’t wear them, you don’t want to be the one having an emergency that EMS can’t reach because runners can’t hear them to let them pass)– the trail is beautiful, enjoy the run! All of these rules are insisted upon by Cobb County and USATF. Your safety is of upmost importance. DO NOT attempt to transfer your number to another person – Your number serves as your emergency identification in case of an emergency. Violators will not be allowed to participate in future Silver Comet Races.
Number Pickup:
Race numbers (only) may be picked up from 5 Seasons Brewing at the Prado in Sandy Springs Friday Evening from 4:00 to 7:00 ONLY – Chips will not be given out until race day. Big Peach will be there with last minute supplies you may need. We will be collecting entries for Strong Legs and offering Get Fit Atlanta team entries ($5 off half Marathon / $10 off Full Marathon) for ING Georgia Marathon in March.
5 Seasons Brewing will have $12 pasta plates (your choice of three options) during number pick up – Questions will be answered – maps will be given out. BRING YOUR ID and confirmation from Pick up of friends numbers will not be allowed – They will have to collect their timing chip race day, so we request that if you can’t come by – please wait to get your number race day.
Numbers and Chamption Chip timing chips can be picked up starting at 5:45am on Race Day at the Race start location – Mable House Cultural Arts Center, 5239 Floyd Road, Mableton GA 30126
We will have little zip ties to attach your Champion Chip to your shoe laces – Remember these must be returned at the finish line or you will be charged $35. If you want to be included in the results – you must have this timing chip on your shoe.
Need a place to stay? – We thank the Fairfield Inn Marriott for the $59 Rooms available for Friday and Saturday night to all Race participants!
Come EARLY! Parking for race participants is available at the Mable House Art Center/Amphitheatre (many will be directed to the Catholic Church behind the Amphitheatre) or at Floyd Middle School, which is closer to the race finish. Please obey all instructions by Lanier Parking attendants and CARPOOL if possible with other race participants. Parking isn’t authorized anywhere else, so if you choose to park elsewhere, please note any posted parking restrictions & stay away from local store fronts or you could be towed. All participants must walk to the start. DO NOT PARK AT THE POST OFFICE, LIBRARY or near any businesses – YOU WILL BE TOWED!
If you are LATE – We will be gone to the finish line – No one stays behind at the Mable House.
Shuttle Buses:
Buses will take all fun run participants & spectators (family, friends) and many of our volunteers to to the Silver Comet Depot / finish line area after the start of the Half Marathon. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING IS ALLOWED AT THE SILVER COMET DEPOT TRAIL HEAD!!!!! Cars will be towed – We must leave the finish line parking areas and streets easily accessible by the buses and emergency vehicles. Buses will bring race finishers, spectators back to your cars at Floyd Middle School & the Mable House Art Center after the race.
Operation Bootcamp will lead the Fun Run (Please note our 6 awards will be given to the kids running) The Fun Run is 1 mile out & 1 Mile back on the Silver Comet Trail – to be run while the half marathon participants are out on the course. All Fun Run participants want to listen for announcements about which bus to board!
The race starts at the Mable House Art Center – 7:45am sharp. We will line everyone on the drive behind the Mable House – Walk you out the back drive and turn onto Floyd at the Clay Road intersection to walk up to the start – DO NOT GO INTO FLOYD ROAD until race officials instruct you to do so –
We do not have pace groups – but there will be signage for lining up in approximate Minute per Mile Groups from 7:00 and under to 14:00 minute miles and over – PLEASE ATTEMPT TO LINE UP ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY. This will help with the crowds – and getting spread out properly before hitting the trail. WE HAVE A START MAT for your timing chip – so you will not lose the time it takes you to cross the mat. We also have a timing mat at the turn around for the FIRST time this year – so you will get a split, then of course a finish line mat.
The Race Course:
The course will head North on Floyd Road 1.5 miles. Then it turns Left/West on the Silver Comet Trail at the Silver Comet Depot Trail Head. You go out approximately 5.75 miles, turnaround & finish at the Silver Comet Depot. Please BE CAREFUL turning onto the trail – It will be crowded in the beginning & near the middle at the turnaround. Run on the right hand side of the trail. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT RUNNERS WILL BE RETURNING ON YOUR LEFT !!! Listen for any announcements being called out along the course.
Water will be located at the 2-mile mark & every 1.5 miles thereafter. PowerAde will be available at the water stop closest to the race turnaround only. (Just before mile 7 and at Mile 8) Please dispose of your cups at/near the water stops and in available trash cans! WE ARE RECYCLING this year thanks to B Green Services. If you use gels, please dispose of the packets at the water stops so our volunteers can make sure we get all trash off the trail. Please Don’t Litter the Trail.
Pit Stop Units will be at the Industry Road crossing, two more will be at the parking lot just past the 4th water stop just before the turnaround – these are the only ‘Pit Stops’ on the course. – Look for ‘Pink’ signs indicating that the Pit Stop units are near. Units will be at the start & finish line.
WEATHER – Please dress appropriately for the weather – no gear check is available – If you want to drop a layer do so in the half mile after turning onto the trail – Any items not retrieved by you will be donated to a local shelter. Do NOT discard clothing further out the trail unless you do so in available trash cans.
The Finish Line:
The Finish Line Celebration will be in the lower parking at the Silver Comet Depot Trail Head. All registered half marathon participants will receive a finisher medal & long sleeve race shirt. Shirt color choice is not guaranteed. and I actually have xs, s, m, l & xl to choose from. We will have 1 bottle of Fontis Water per participant (which will be in a reusable bike bottle donated by Get Fit Atlanta, Fontis Water, Legacy Promotional Group and The American Cancer Society!) may be refilled as much as needed – We are trying to keep our race as “GREEN” as possible!!, 1 bottle of MIX 1 per participant, Ted’s Montana Grill Sliders, Mableton Kroger Bagels, Oranges and Apples, Sweet Tomatoes Bananas and Cookies and a variety of bars to choose from. Awards will be given out when we have enough finishers in to fill the categories. Awards are given to the top three male & female finishers in five-year age categories. Awards not picked up will not be mailed.
Buses will take all race finishers, volunteers, & spectators back to the parking lots at Floyd Middle School & the Mable House Art Center after the race.
Photos will be available for viewing, download & purchase – See the link at
Results will be posted at & at on the Monday following the race. On that note – Please send feedback on our new look / website / design – Marvin Cumming of Nusolutions provides all website design and management services for Silver Comet Races and Get Fit Atlanta – Please contact me if you would like to reach him!
For our Charity Spot Runners: WOW! THANK YOU!! Last year uniforms were purchased for Floyd Middle School health classes, entry fees were covered for runners at our volunteering high schools – Your donations to our volunteer booster clubs are tremendous. You will receive a tax donation receipt for $100 directly from the receiving booster club / school. We thank you so much for your generous donation to our schools!
In closing – Silver Comet Races thanks our sponsors! Big Peach Running Company, Cobb County, Fontis Water, 1st Choice Healthcare, Lanier Parking, Mix 1, Sweat Vac, B Green Recycling Services, 5 Seasons Brewing and Fairfield Inn Marriott!!
Thank YOU for your registration & support of the Silver Comet Races. I encourage your feedback after the race. Please be careful out there race day! Thank your volunteers – I couldn’t do it without them!
REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 1, 2009 for 12th Silver Comet 10k – March 13, 2010 and 10th Silver Comet Half Marathon on Halloween October 30, 2010!!!!
We are accepting new members for our winter training season of GET FIT ATLANTA. Please contact for information.
Have a great time on Saturday! I will see you running! Dana |